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Your Ideas Independent School is a specialist school for children ages 5 -11.

We help children to develop their self-esteem, confidence, resilience and independence, to become inquisitive learners with aspirational attitudes.

We place social and emotional well-being at the centre of our school, to provide all children with a nurturing environment in which to thrive. We believe that happy children, who feel safe and secure, are those in the best position to learn.


We focus on supporting children to feel physically and psychologically safe first, in order to be ready to re engage with and find a love for learning. Our curriculum meets children at their developmental stage, rather than their chronological age, and is tailored to meet their individual needs. Children are celebrated for their unique talents, which are valued and encouraged.


- Dr. Clare Whalley, Head Teacher

Our Mission

Our mission is to nurture all children to feel safe, happy and ready to learn. We will help all children to develop their self-esteem, confidence, resilience and independence, to become inquisitive learners with aspirational attitudes.

Our News

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